Sunday, July 27, 2014

We are bad tourists

Yesterday we arranged to be part of a tour group to go see this underground city.  I forget the name.  Some ancient city, like 4000 years old, got buried in a giant volcanic eruption.  They dug it up and put a roof over it to keep the elements out, hence underground.  Not as cool as it sounded at first.

This was classic tour group experience.  Bossy shouty lady with a sign, canned jokes, bus full of sheep-people following around.  I know I generally don't like stuff like that.  The information and the sights were interesting but I would have been happy to see it all in about a third of the time.  Turns out Michelle even more so: she really did not like the tour group experience, the lectures, being led around.

We bailed on the tour and ended up in this town called Thira, the capital.  We had seen signs earlier in Oia for a Chinese place in Thira and we hunted that thing down with a quickness.  Amen for Greece and all but I am pretty done with Greek food.  It was a nice change.

For dinner we walked down to the end of Oia's main drag to catch the sunset.  Oia is kind of known for this, like they are on lists of 'best sunsets in the world'.  I heard it was super crowded down there at Sunset (there's one end of town where you have the best view of the sunset over the ocean).  So we thought we'd go early, get a table at a restaurant with a good view, and eat super slow.

On the way down I was being super bad, weaving through the crowd, squeezing past people, etc.  Michelle came behind (we were holding hands).  I was the ice breaker and she'd slip through with me.

We finally came to a place called 'Sunsets' (good sign) right at the edge of town.  Up a staircase to the roof garden.  Incredible view.  The place was empty so I thought "score".  We asked for a table, he said there's only one left, everything else reserved.  So we take that table.  And he wasn't kidding: over the course of the evening we must have seen two dozen people, at least, come up and get turned away because they were out of room.  The food was meh but the view was very very nice.  And when I peeked over the edge of the restaurant to the streets below I felt really lucky, it was like the fourth of July, people just jammed in there all over the place.

Unfortunately, Michelle's camera died right as the sunset started.  So we got reservations at a different sunset-friendly place tonight.

1 comment:

  1. But you could paint a word picture for us stuck here in America as to how gorgeous the sunset was....?
